If you are not already familiar with the brand, BBB stands for the Better Business Bureau, which acts as a platform for consumers to express their concerns with various businesses or charity organizations. The BBB is also a great resource for consumers to conduct a thorough background check on a company before providing them with their business. However, these BBB reviews are subjective and therefore should not act as your only source of information.
The BBB review gives consumers an overview of the company, including contact information, the company’s website address, phone number, and general email address. A BBB rating and collection of customer reviews are also provided. The BBB rating system ranks businesses based on a variety of factors, including its complaint history, type of business, and licensing and government action filed. However, the overall company rating is also subjective, and often based on the industry in which a company operates.
If you do have a complaint, it is helpful to file your complaint directly with us so that we can promptly address your concerns and find a solution your problem quickly. We find that BBB complaints are sometimes the result of a miscommunication, and these types of issues are more easily resolved directly through’s Customer Care team.
Additional Review Resources
Once you have checked out the BBB rating and reviews, make sure to visit the main website for additional company information. Proud to be the most transparent company in the industry, offers customer testimonials, industry news and information, FAQ pages, sales information, and even a live feed of daily offers received for timeshare sales and rentals. We also provide additional services through our partner companies, such as financing, broker assist services, timeshare donation, and free timeshare appraisal. If you have further questions in regards to how conducts business and can help you, please contact our customer service team at 1-844-202-3503.